How to take care of fine gold jewelry.

When taken care of, solid gold jewelry will keep its timeless luster and last for generations. Even though 14k or 18k solid gold doesn't tarnish like plated jewelry, it can benefit from some extra TLC on a monthly basis. Here's some tips to ensure your jewelry preserves its' sparkle.

Jewelry Care essentials

When performing your monthly jewelry care ritual, there's some basic tools that are always good to have on hand. We've collected them in our Jewelry Care Kit, which features a soft wooden brush and the shine serum. 

In order to avoid scratches it's important to always use a brush with soft hairs. A baby or soft bamboo tooth brush will do too. If you haven't got our shine serum on hand, you can also use any mild soap.

The Care ritual

- First, fill up a bowl with lukewarm water. Add our Shine Serum or mild soap and soak your jewelry for up to 3 hours.
- Next, start scrubbing each piece individually with your brush. The key is to be gentle here.
- After brushing, transfer your pieces to a bowl with just water to rinse.
- Lastly, pat dry your pieces with a soft cloth. We recommend using soft fabrics such as linen. 

Need more guidance? Find a full video care tutorial here.

Storing your jewelry 

Now that you know how to clean your jewelry after daily wear, it's also worth mentioning how to store it. To avoid any scratches or tangled up chains, it's best to store your jewelry in a jewelry box with different compartments or individually in soft pouches. Pro tip: make sure you store your necklace chains with clasp closed. 

Long term care

While all the quick and easy tips mentioned above are the best way to clean your jewerly at home, they can only do so much. We do recommend a professional polish when it's time. A professional has all the right tools to make your jewelry look brand new again.